Going to a movie is all about expectation to me. Take for example "The American". It gets horrible reviews by the people because they didn´t expect that the movie would be as slow as it is. Trailers do their part in obscuring the actual style of the movie, and make it seem more action-packed or fast paced.
Now, "the Expendables" does not have to worry about that problem in particular. It is exactly what the trailer makes it seem like: A stupid action ride.
Still many people left the cinema disappointed, probably expecting a much more grand scaled action masterpiece. Also many people point at the many plot holes and the not-so-good directorial work of Mr.Stallone.
Here I wonder for what reasons those people went to the cinema. I agree on their points, but this is not an arthouse movie, it doesn´t claim to be clever or well made entertainment. It´s a rough hommage to the 80s action flicks, which doesn´t take itself very seriously. And if all those movie buffs can´t turn their trained eyxes from the technichal flaws of this movie, I feel sorry for them.
My friends an I had a ton of fun in the cinema, drinking beer and laughin our asses off.
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