There was a saying about germans, which became popular durin napoleons better days:
The french own the land, the british own the sea, and the germans, the germans own the clouds
During this time, germans masters created the most beautiful pieces of music ever known to humankind and german poets were able to bring the clumsy and dry german language to a beauty previously unknown.
Nowadays however, germans excell mostly in another discipline:
How efficient we bury any human aspect under paper became clear to me when I heard this story from my mum:
The mother of a friend of my mum, let´s call her Mrs.P, went to hopital and fell into a deep coma. Two weeks later, she died.
A week after that the daughter recieved a letter from the hospital.
It was a bill for two weeks of cantine food, around 13 Euro per day.
The daughter then called the hospital to explain that her mother never ate in the cantine. The lady from the hospital office then explained that Mrs.P had subscribed to the cantine upon arriving in hospital, and during her stay has never called the office to unsubscribe...